Overview of What We Do

Celebrating Our Connection to Communities in Ghana & Nicaragua

Self-Help’s mission is to alleviate hunger by helping people help themselves. Our locally-hired team of skilled professionals serve rural communities in Ghana in West Africa and Nicaragua in Central America, to improve the population’s quality of life with dignity.


Graphic showcasing Self Help International's sustainable community development approach, centered around five program areas: Improving Agriculture (equipping farmers with tools, training, and techniques to maximize yields and feed families), Ending Malnutrition (providing school breakfast to combat hunger and support healthy development in the first 1,000 days), Accessing Clean Water (partnering with communities to provide safe drinking water for health and productivity), Training Youth (teaching vocational skills to youth in rural communities to increase their earning potential), and Empowering Women and Girls (supporting women with training and loans to achieve financial independence and self-sufficiency).

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