Pamela Makes it to Senior High School

When 14-year-old Pamela received admission into the Barekese Senior High School, her joy knew no bounds.

Pamela is a former student of the Bedabour District Assembly Basic School, where she participated in and graduated from the Self-Help International Teen Girls Club. She successfully passed her Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE), scoring an impressive aggregate of 21, which is a rare feat for children from schools in the rural parts of Ghana.

Her incredible performance paved the way for her to pursue higher education. However, her joy was overshadowed by the inability of her parents to acquire all the items specified on her admission letter to the school.

Realizing Pamela’s predicament, Self-Help International went to her rescue by providing her with items worth over 1,000 Ghana cedis to enable her to make good use of the opportunity granted to her by the school.

These items included a metallic trunk, a suitcase, a mattress and pillow, school sandals, bathroom slippers, a pair of shoes, a bucket and other items specified by the school.

Pamela expressed gratitude to Self-Help International for the assistance rendered to her saying she had no hope of getting assistance anywhere if the organization had not come to her rescue.

Now a first year student at her school, Pamela says that what she learnt as a member of the teen girls club is benefiting her now. “I have learnt to be disciplined and also developed a high self esteem. In addition, I have acquired good social skills which have made other students at the school to admire me and seek my friendship.”

Pamala also said that the money management skills that she was taught at the club have enabled her to be very prudent with how she spends her pocket money (stipend) by not buying unnecessary items, which has made her stay at the school smooth.

Thank you for investing in the futures of girls such as Pamela. Your donations support after school programming in reading to support academic success, life skills such as money management, and stakeholder support in exceptional circumstances such as Pamela’s to ensure that girls who have earned a place in high school are able to take their rightful place in the classroom and continue their academic pursuits.