
Infant Malnutrition and What Our New Program is Doing About It: Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children

Infant Malnutrition and What Our New Program is Doing About It: Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children

by Katie Jackson, Communications Intern, and Megan Sehr, Development Director In Roger Thurow’s recently published book, The First 1,000 Days,...

No More Stunting in Beposo: Self-Help’s “Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children” Program

No More Stunting in Beposo: Self-Help’s “Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children” Program

By Jerry Perkins and Nora Tobin This article originally appeared in the Des Moines Register on October 14, 2018. Reprinted...

Nicaragua Training Center Participants Implement Lessons Learned for Success

For this update on the Fred Strohbehn Training Center in Quinta Lidia, Self-Help International’s Nicaragua team decided to share some...

The Fight Against Fall Armyworm Infestation, Part III: The Value in Farmer Education And Hands on Training

Story by: Bernard Frimpong Bannor “Last season, armyworm attacked my 2 acre maize farm. It was scary. I’ve been farming...

Using Instant Messaging Technology to Share Information with Corn Producers in Nicaragua

Using Instant Messaging Technology to Share Information with Corn Producers in Nicaragua

By Jorge Luis Campos Solis, SHI Nicaragua Country Director. Translated and edited by William Edwards, SHI Board member, and Caroline Scott,...

Three Fresh Graduates Get an Exceptional Opportunity for Agribusiness Success

Three Fresh Graduates Get an Exceptional Opportunity for Agribusiness Success

Story by Bernard Frimpong Bannor – Agriculture & Entrepreneurship Program Officer “This is a great opportunity for potential entrepreneurs. In...

Introducing Double Row Corn Technology to Nicaragua’s Farmers

Introducing Double Row Corn Technology to Nicaragua’s Farmers

By Jorge Campos Solis – Country Program Director Farmers evaluate the double groove application Technification, innovation, invention or topological designs...

Remembering Fred Strohbehn

Remembering Fred Strohbehn

By Bert Schou, Self-Help International Board of Directors Fred Strohbehn was a farmer, a man of faith, and a philanthropist...

Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children

Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children

1 in 4 Children Self-Help International has been instrumental in starting feeding programs in primary schools in rural villages in...

Against the odds, Augustine starts school

Against the odds, Augustine starts school

By Jesse Jackson Sarkodie – School Feeding Program Officer & Nutritionist Augustine was born into a broken home. But thanks...

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