International Development

Self-Help News: Spring Edition Newsletter is Here!

Self-Help News: Spring Edition Newsletter is Here!


Joseph’s Business is Multiplying Like Rabbits!

Joseph’s Business is Multiplying Like Rabbits!

Joseph is a 44-year-old man from the community of Bampenase, in the Ashanti region of Ghana. He is a teacher and...

Engaging a Community through Stove Building

Engaging a Community through Stove Building

by Yolanda Fletes & Edelia Cruz Torres – Micro-Credit Program Officers It has been a busy few months for Self-Help’s...

Gifty’s Gift of Health

Gifty’s Gift of Health

“I am thankful to SHI for the gift of national health insurance. With this I can visit the clinic and...

Why Invest in Teen Girls?

Why Invest in Teen Girls?

Who is the most important woman in your life? Your mother? Your grandmother? Your daughter? Your sister? Your spouse? What...

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